Thanksgiving is just a little over a week away, and Black Friday sales are already in full swing. As if our lists of things to do for the holidays aren't long enough, we also have to think about what we're going to be wearing to all of these events, now that we are actually gathering again. (Hallelujah!) While what you're wearing may very well be on the bottom of your to-do list, I also know it's one of the things you most care about - if you're completely honest with yourself. I mean, how do you show up when you walk into your family gathering, with people you haven't seen face to face in 2 years, when you feel frumpy and dumpy vs when you show up feeling like a million bucks in your outfit? (Brains science tells us it makes a giant difference in our mood, personality, interpersonal connections, attitude and so on.) My guess is that you show up a whole lot more confident and ready to engage.
Yet I know that what we'll be wearing to all of these gatherings gets shoved to the bottom of our lists because other things seem like higher priorities. You may be asking, "Shouldn't I be focusing my time, energy and money on others instead of worrying about myself? Well, for the aforementioned brain science research, what we wear makes a bigger impact on how we feel than we may like to admit. The reality is, finding an outfit is higher on our wish list than we think - so let's get real about making this happen!
Knowing that you're going to want to nail your outfit, here's 4 things you can be doing now to get a jump on your holiday attire.
#1 Shop Your Closet
Let's be honest. We haven't looked at our holiday attire in probably 2 years. Last year, due to the pandemic and most of us being quarantined, we didn't leave our houses, let alone get out of our pajamas for the holidays. So it's likely the case that you haven't even ventured into your closet in a while to see what you have to work with. That's why "Shop your closet" is my first recommendation. As painful as it may be, go in there and see what you have. Ask yourself these questions as you peruse your wardrobe:
What kind of vibe am I going for? (Cozy, fancy, edgy, bold, classic, etc.)
What do I have currently that fits that vibe? (Be sure to look at your clothes, as well as shoes, bags and accessories)
Does it fit? (i.e., can you zip it up, can you walk in them, can you sit in them for a few hours, etc.)
Is it in good condition? Or does it need repairs or cleaning?
Do I still like it?
If you found a few items from this exercise, great! Congrats! Then keep going to #2. If you found nothing, do yourself a favor and consider #2 before jumping immediately to #3.
#2 Make the Old Feel New
If you're here, you found a few items that you love and may want to wear. But let me guess.... it feels a bit old and lacks that fresh sparkly newness. Maybe you feel like you've been there, done that and are ready for something new. Perfect, you're right where you need to be. The next thing is to re-imagine that item of clothing.
Think back to how you wore that item the last time. What shoes did you wear with it? What jacket or cover up? What accessories? What did you do with your hair and makeup?
Now, I want you to scrap that old look and create something new. Challenge yourself to think of a new way to style that item. If you're already stuck, go to Pinterest or your favorite style influencer (Hello... have you seen my IG feed?!) and search for that item. For example, do you have a lace blouse you love? Search "Lace blouse for holidays" or "how to style a lace blouse" and you're sure to get tons of ideas that you can choose from.
Here's a way I'm changing up my favorite sequined blouse to make it feel perfect for this holiday season...
In the past, I paired it with heels and cream joggers for a winter white look and also just simply with a pair of jeans and heels. This year, I went into my closet and found all kinds of new ways to freshen up this favorite sequin blouse - whether it was for a professional work event, a fun party or family gathering.
Keep scrolling to see my old (as evidenced by my much blonder hair) and new looks.

Another tip for mixing things up in your closet is to follow the "Opposites" Rule. My Opposites Rule is to think first of what you would normally wear with this item, and then do the opposite. Opposites attract, after all!
Let's say you have a nice blouse picked out to wear with jeans and flats. So ask yourself: What could I wear with this that would be the opposite of what I would normally do?
Here's some ideas... (See image below for a visual of these variations)
Classic - worn with jeans
Add a blazer - normally considered a work item - for that polished chic look
Add a cardigan and mules for a cozy relaxed vibe
Add a moto jacket - not something you think of for holiday gatherings - and heels for an edgier look
Even a change as simple as wearing black jeans vs. your normal dark wash can mix things up.
I think you're getting the idea by now. It's amazing how much you can fall in love with your own clothes again when you find new ways to wear it. In fact, that's one of my top secrets for never getting bored with your clothes. But more on that later. Let's get on to tip #3, which is for all of you who seriously need something new.
#3 Shop Early
Folks, if there were ever a year to not mess around with shipping times, this is the year! With our manufacturers and delivery services still a mess due to COVID, get on your shopping early! You may already be on top of this for your holiday gifting, but remember to start early for your own wardrobe if you need to get an outfit. I have seen some retailers working very efficiently, and others not so much. It's a complete toss up on who's going to pull through for you, so just plan to start earlier than you need. My guideline is to give yourself at least 2 weeks prior to the date you need it.
#4 Ask for Help
Ladies, I get that shopping for yourself or figuring out the perfect outfit is just one more thing to add to your already giant holiday to-do list. If you are already feeling overwhelmed, I'd encourage you to reach out. My Mini Style Board service is perfect for finding that perfect outfit for your holiday work or family party, holiday travel, or even a big work meeting or work trip, when you don't want to mess with the details.
Let me do the work so you can get back to the million things on your plate. This service is done 100% virtual, and takes up a minimal amount of your time. We meet on Zoom to gather the details of what you're looking for, define your style and get your measurements, and then I get to shopping for you - all online! At the big reveal, you get to pick all your favorites from my curated style boards (head to toe styled outfits that are a perfect match for your personal style and your budget) and simply add to cart the sizes that I've recommended for you. That's it! It will be the easiest thing you do all season - and one that will give you an incredible amount of satisfaction when you show up feeling like a badass.
Learn more, or book your Mini Style Board now!
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